Join Christina Jimenez, Josh Floyd, James Pailin, and Julie Prentice from The Jimenez Law Firm, P.C. to answer your Family Law Questions every Friday at Noon on Facebook Live! To schedule a consultation with a lawyer at our Flower Mound,...
Family law
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Texas Department of Family and Protective Services: Who are they?
Texas has many agencies, such as the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), that are established to help residents with a variety of issues. While you may not need certain services now, there may come a point where you do need some assistance or...

Emancipation of a Minor in Texas, How to Guide
There are certain situations when a minor may need to know how to apply for emancipation in Texas. In these cases, the minor wishing to have the legal capacity of an adult can petition the Texas courts for the “removal of disabilities of minority.” Today we’ll discuss...

Divorce Timeline: How Long Can It Take? How Much Will It Cost?
If you’re thinking about getting divorced, there are many factors to consider, including how long does a divorce take. After all, this is a life-changing decision and one you don’t want to enter into lightly. Many people don’t realize that divorces aren’t always cut...

Be Kind: 5 Lessons from An Amicable Divorce
Separating from your spouse and making the decision to divorce can be difficult, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t move forward and achieve an amicable divorce. The truth is that no one wants the divorce process to be any more painful than it needs to be or last...

10 Things to Know When Getting a Divorce in Texas
If you’re planning on getting a divorce in Texas, you want to make sure you know everything there is to know. Being knowledgeable will ensure that you get a fair outcome whether you’re the one filing or not. It’s also important to ask questions about your divorce so...

How to Win Full or Sole Child Custody in Texas
We don’t have to mention the complexities of parenting. Everyone knows how challenging raising children can be. Not to mention the fact that attempting to find your feet as a parent after separating from your other half adds a whole new set of challenges to...
Jan. 26, 2022 | The Attorneys from The Jimenez Law Firm, P.C. answer Family Law questions and current topics
Join Christina Jimenez, Josh Floyd, James Pailin, and Julie Prentice from The Jimenez Law Firm to answer your Family Law Questions every Friday at noon on Facebook Live! This week they discussed Covid-19 vaccinations for children, Father...

How to Divorce When Both Parties Are Amicable
When you hear people talk about filing for divorce, you may think they all have to be contentious and amicable divorce in Texas isn’t possible. But, for many couples, divorce is not something that pits one spouse against the other in a fight over assets, property and...

Community Property vs. Sole Property in Texas
When you’re thinking about getting a divorce, property can become a major issue, especially if you’re trying to determine community property vs. sole property in Texas. Whether it’s a business, money, or other assets, it’s important to know what’s considered...