James Pailin, Julie Prentice, and James Floyd from The Jimenez Law Firm, P.C. to answer your Family Law Questions every Friday at Noon on Facebook Live! To schedule a consultation with a lawyer at our Flower Mound, Lewisville or Odessa...
Child Custody
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Sole Managing Conservator in a Child Custody Case in Texas
When it comes to child custody in the United States, most people are familiar with “sole custody” and “joint custody.” However, different states tend to use different legal terms in custody disputes. In the state of Texas, the terms regarding the parents in a Texas...

Child Custody and COVID-19 Vaccines in Texas: What You Need to Know
Coparenting isn’t easy. It’s even more difficult when parents don’t agree on major issues including medical treatment. But what happens when the medical treatment in question is a COVID-19 vaccine? Who gets to decide when and if a child is getting vaccinated for the...

Parental Rights and Grandparent Rights
Parental Rights and Grandparent Rights In many situations, grandparent rights can be an issue if a parent or parents don’t allow their children to see or have a relationship with their grandparents. Whether it’s through a divorce, separation, or other issues, a...

How to Win Full or Sole Child Custody in Texas
We don’t have to mention the complexities of parenting. Everyone knows how challenging raising children can be. Not to mention the fact that attempting to find your feet as a parent after separating from your other half adds a whole new set of challenges to...

How Divorce is Harming Our Children and How to Alleviate Some of The Effects
When you’re going through a divorce, there are many factors to consider including how divorce is harming our children. Divorce is not easy for anyone and unfortunately, children take the brunt in many situations. This is why it’s important to realize that there are...
Things You Should Not Do in Your Child Custody Case video
Joshua Floyd and Christina Jimenez, attorneys at the Jimenez Law Firm, Discuss Child Custody Case To schedule a consultation with a lawyer at our Flower Mound, Lewisville or Odessa offices call us at (214) 513-0125. Practical tips about...
How to Reduce Your Child Support
This video provides a general overview regarding a child support modification to reduce your child support if you have lost your job or had your pay reduced during the pandemic. To schedule a consultation with a Texas lawyer at our Flower...

Experienced Texas Divorce Lawyers Near You
When marital problems turn your thoughts to the possibility of divorce, ordinary activities become more complicated. A spouse’s absence is increasingly awkward to explain away to the children, other family members, friends, and coworkers. Concentrating at work becomes...
A Standard Possession Order – Part 3: Summer Visitation Within 100 Miles
A Standard Possession Order (SPO) sets the schedule for each parent’s time with the child. Christina Jimenez and Joshua Floyd of The Jimenez Law Firm explain in a series of videos how a SPO works. In Part Three, the attorneys explain...